When and Where
Friday 18-Sunday 20 October 2024 at Deer Park and Chaldercot, Youthworks Port Hacking
Our connection with one another deepens as we share time, share experiences, share food and share in studying God's word together! Our weekend away is full of all of these things and more! It's a bit like the annual family holiday! A time to build memories and invest in one another
much more than our ordinary schedule allows.
Our theme
We will hear 4 talks on 2 Corinthians 4-5 and learn about Paul's evangelism and ours. We look at the master evangelist, Paul to consider our lives and evangelism.
Our speaker
Our speaker is Phillip Jensen
These prices reflect increased costs set by Youthworks. Unfortunately, these prices have not been subsidised by any additional fundraising initiatives.
We'd love for everyone to come irrespective of cost. Please contact James to arrange financial assistance - there are generous donors who want to help others cover the cost of the weekend.