Words for Life Daily Devotions
Welcome. We're so glad you're considering using the Words for Life Devotions. These devotions are designed to help you engage with, and delight in God's word on a regular basis.
Reading God's Word in the Bible is how we can get to know God, and along with praying, it's how we express our relationship with Him. Ofcourse we can do this with others, like in church or in a growth group. But there's something special, and indeed essential, about doing this 1-1 with our heavenly Father!
The format for receiving these devotions is via a dedicated, opt-in email.
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Do you want to help?
Are you interested in contributing to the devotional material?
Are you a good reader? Do you have technical skills in audio and IT? Would you like to help produce the podcast format of the Words for Life Devotions?
We’re going for short and simple. We expect you’ll only need about 10 minutes. However, this will depend on the length of the Bible passage. Sometimes we might read a whole chapter of a certain Biblical book, such as in the Old Testament. At other times, it might only be a few verses.
Comments following the Bible passage will be written by a range of members of Jannali Anglican Church. This includes staff and non-staff members. There will be a range of men and women, different ages, from across different gatherings. Each email will tell you (and have a picture) who the author is.
Yes, ofcourse. There will be a link in each email, to help you do this.
The emails are primarily designed for adults. There is no reason why you couldn’t read the same passage with your children and ask some simple questions like
- What’s one thing you found interesting in this passage?
- Do you have any questions about what we read?
- Is there anything God wants us to do or not do, based on what we’ve read.
In the future we are aiming to include material that is designed for families to use together
Not really. Our email system, Mailchimp does record who opens the email and when etc., but we won’t monitor that data closely.