Study Material

9 of 9 studies have been published. Use links below. 

Members Version – Word

Members Version – PDF

For additional leaders material, please navigate to our leaders page.

Note: the leaders page is password protected. If you would like access to this page but don’t have the password please contact our Grow pastor James Sneddon

Teaching Schedule

2-5 May  |  Isaiah 1:1-2:4
9-12 May   |   Isaiah 5:1-30
16-19 May   |  Isaiah 6:1-13
23-26 May  |   Isaiah 8:11-9:7
30 May-Jun 2  |   Isaiah 11:1-12:6
6-9 Jun | Isaiah 13:1-14:2
13-16 Jun | Isaiah 24:1-23
20-23 Jun | Isaiah 35:1-10
30 May-Jun 2 | Isaiah 36:1-37:7



The Gospel Coalition: Introduction to Isaiah

The Gospel Coalition: Isaiah Commentary

This is a free and reliable commentary on the text of Isaiah published by the Gospel Coalition


How to Read the Major Prophets Devotionally


Assorted visual aids to understand Isaiah, including maps, timelines and overviews, from the Visual Unit website:

Bible Timeline

Isaiah Timeline

Isaiah Overview

Timeline of Kings of Judah and Israel 

Map of Assyrian Empire in 7-8th century BC


Video: The Bible Project: Overview of Isaiah 1-39