What’s New with our Mission Partners in Singapore
Narelle and Ian Hadfield have now been in Singapore for over 6 months and are feeling more at home in the city and at the church (St George’s Anglican Church Singapore) where Ian is Senior Minister.
The COVID -19 virus is an issue there but due to the earlier SARS epidemic the government were prepared and stepped in early. People are also happy to do what the government requires. At all meetings people are required to do a temperature check and anyone sick are sent home. Contact details are taken of everyone remaining and they complete a questionnaire about any recent travel and declare that they have not travelled to China, Korea, Japan, or Italy etc..
As a result there have been no deaths due to COVID 19 and the numbers infected are decreasing but many have stayed away from meetings. Toddler Time which usually has 200 children only had 50 -60 this week.
They ask us to pray as numbers are very much reduced at church and other ministries and they are concerned that people may get into the habit of not attending church even after the epidemic is over.
On the other hand one of the Alpha courses Ian decided to keep running has continued with a record number of non- Christians in it. Something to be both thankful and prayerful for.
Narelle has a busy month in March as she is teaching PTC and speaking at various gatherings during the month. She asks us to pray for her as she speaks – that God may be gracious in using her and her words for His glory.