A word of thanks to members of all Bible Study Groups

Andrewbarry   -  

There is something really special about gathering together every week with the same small group of people. Sometimes things are rushed; some weeks you might struggle to stay awake after a long day at work; on some occasions people might get distracted on things that don’t really matter; but regardless of this, joining together to pray and hear from God’s word is rich. And like eating a meal together as a family, you notice how important it is when you are no longer able to do it.

I would like to acknowledge six groups of people in particular, besides the leaders who serve so hard to show us Christ.

1. The hosts: Thank you for opening up your homes, sharing your zoom account and bearing the brunt of the logistical support. Thanks to those who make the teas and coffees, who cook the biscuits or who bring the chips and dip.

2. The enthusiast: Thank you for being the one to keep bringing us back to Jesus, back to the gospel and helping us grow together. Thanks for pushing a little deeper into the Bible.

3. The pray-er: Thank you for praying for the concerns of those in your group, not just when they group meets, but also during the week. Thank you for following up and asking how things are going.

4. The listeners: Thank you for being there as much as you can. Thanks for those times when you listen so well and those times when you drop a word of truth that everyone listens to.

5. The open: Thanks for sharing your life, your struggles, your weakness and doubts. You help us all to be more open and honest too.

6. Those who don’t fit into a simple category: Thanks to you for being a part of the growth, the struggle and the joy that is our small group ministries.