General Comments

This section in 1 Corinthians covers some interesting topics, about which Christians may disagree. We are referring to the nature and prominence of spiritual gifts,  including ones we may have heard of, like ‘speaking in tongues’

Below are some links to resources that might help you think through these issues

If you are a Growth Group leader and are looking for more extensive material, including study questions, click here. 

Teaching Schedule

Term 3, Weeks 7-9

31 Aug – 3 Sep: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

7-10 Sep: 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13

14-17 Sep: 1 Corinthians 14

Sep/Oct School Holidays

21-24 Sep: 1 Corinthians 15 (Part 1 verses tbc)

28 Sep-1 Oct:  1 Corinthians 15 (Part 2 verses tbc)

5-8 Oct:  1 Corinthians 15 (Part 3 verses tbc)



10 Questions about Spiritual Gifts

This article gives an introductory overview (10 things) that the Bible tells us about spiritual gifts.

Why I’m a Cessationist

Why I’m a Continuationist

The two links above come from The Gospel Coalition website.

One of the debates about spiritual gifts (and especially those that seem supernatural like speaking in tongues, healing, etc), is whether these gifts are still around today. Or were they only special gifts for the early church given by God, so that the ministry of the Apostles could be attested and endorsed by supernatural signs?

Those that say the gifts continue are called Continuationists. Those that say the gifts were only for the apostolic period and no longer apply, are called Cessationists. The two articles above provide good summary arguments in favour of each position, by well respected Christian theologians (who also happen to be friends).

How (Not) to Discover your Spiritual Gifts

Video: Phillip Jensen discussed the gift of speaking in tongues

What does prophecy look like today?

Podcast – Lets Talk: Spiritual Gifts

Gods Good Design – Claire Smith

This is a book excerpt from Claire Smiths helpful book called God’s Good Design, which is all about tricky passages in the bible about men and women. The except is of chapter 4, which addresses the difficult to understand comment in 1 Corinthians 14:33-34 about women remaining silent in church.

A summary of Smith’s argument would be that we need to understand the context of 14:33-34 to grasp it’s meaning properly. Much of chapter 14 is taken up in regulating the orderliness of church gatherings, and particularly what happens when prophecies need to be weighed up by the church leaders. It is in this specific context that women are not to speak. It is not a blanket prohibition on women speaking at church. That would be absurd, and contradict other verses like 1 Cor 11:5