How we were challenged about a matter of great urgency at the Mission Minded conference

Jacweb   -  

The harvest fields are ripe. The workers are few. The time is short. And Jesus the risen Lord calls us to make disciples of all nations.

These truths drive us as a church and all that we invest our time, energy and focus into. Our Bible study groups, our weekend gatherings, and our programs—including sending people out for gospel work—are all driving towards the making of disciples of Christ.

We long for all of God’s people to be equipped as disciples of Jesus who make disciples.

We are on about challenging one another to make the biggest splash for God’s kingdom that we can.

It was with this in mind that a group of us from evening church went to the MTS Mission Minded conference over the long weekend.

Our small group joined about 500 people from churches in Sydney – such as Christ Church St Ives, Rooty Hill MBM, St George North Anglican Church – and also from outside of Sydney including Hunter Bible Church and EV Church. There were also many delegates from university campus ministries including Uni Bible Group in Wollongong and Christian Students at Sydney University’s Cumberland Campus.

Mission Minded happens on the long weekend each year and in essence is a network of people who believe that the gospel must go to the ends of the earth and that the training of gospel workers – especially through a two year ministry apprenticeship – is a strategic way to see that happen.

It was a time of refocussing as we heard talks on ‘Marriage, Singleness and the Kingdom of God’ from Simon Flinders (Northbridge Anglican) and on the call to discipleship from Mark 8 from Phillip Jensen. It was a great challenge to think in one-to-one mentoring sessions and in peer groups about how we can use our small lives to play our part in the grand plan of God.

A memorable word came from Phillip Jensen who said of the call to discipleship: Conformists only change their underwear. To change the world you need to be a zealot for good works.

If you are someone who wants to be better equipped to be a disciple who makes disciples, it’d be a great thing to talk to someone about. Or perhaps you’re already equipping others – that’s great! We’d love you partner with us as we train Ben Williams on a Jannali Ministry Apprenticeship (JMAP) beginning next year. If you can make it, please do join us next Monday night (October 14) at church, from 7.30-9pm to hear how you can be part of this exciting opportunity.

Jesus told his disciples: ‘It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ (Acts 1:7-8)

Each of us needs to keep asking the Lord of the harvest to send out workers and then become an answer to our prayers asking: What can I do to play my part in the advancement of this great gospel?